SeVen Gravel Race – Mechanics POV
At the time of writing, it’s the 3rd of March 2024, just under 6 weeks out from this years edition of SeVen Gravel Race – and riders have already been talking about it for months. I am lucky enough to have perspective from my own time spent racing mountain bikes, as well as years of being a pro mechanic and wrenching for the people doing the racing. Our customers here at TLS who sign up for big events like this often come past the workshop with a barrage of questions, or they fire them through in a text message late at night the day before they’re supposed to head down for the race…
Customers who are new to the TLS fold often like to know how we handle their service requirements in the lead up to a race. Our methods are dictated entirely by the customers answer to the question: “Are you in it for a win, a personal best or a weekend away riding your bike?”
Unsurprisingly, answers are heavily skewed towards “personal best” and “weekend away riding” (we do work with our fair share of podium contenders, but as with all competitive pursuits discretion is the better part of valour, and we tend not to discuss that work)
We don’t get involved in peoples training regime beyond making sure the bike is in perfect working order the whole time, and ready again AFTER the training PRIOR TO the event. What we DO get involved in are things like:
- Tyre choice
- Tyre pressure
- Bar Tape (comfort)
- Bike fit (endurance, comfort, handling)
- Brake pads
- Brake fluid/bleeding
- Gear ratios (chainrings and cassettes)
If a rider is really serious, we’ll expand our efforts to include front and rear hub, jockey wheels and bottom bracket bearing upgrades.
We work with our riders on a case by case basis. Some are roadies who only hit the gravel a few times a year. Some are MTBers who refuse to even wear lycra for the event. Some are experienced riders who are terrified of gravel. Others love the gravel but want to attempt it on different bike. All of these scenarios, plus anything else that comes up, needs to be dealt with individually. This is why so I won’t be making any firm recommendations here but I certainly do have a couple of tips for those who are interested.
Do you need to give yourself every possible advantage to get up the hills, or are you fit enough that you’re more concerned about maximising cruising speed on the flats and the downs? We need to discuss chainring size, and cassette ratios in some cases.
Please note that you may very well have the legs and lungs to hit crazy speeds…..but make sure you have the bike handling skills to go with it, especially on the downs. No-one appreciates getting dive bombed by an out of control spandex-bandit.
I will say one thing with absolute certainty – if you need NOTHING else attended to on your bike prior to the event, I recommend fresh brake pads, and a professional bleed with high quality brake fluid. Brakes suddenly matter a whole lot more when the weather changes and you’re faced with long, loose and rutted downhill sections surrounded by other riders of unknown ability.
If you’re on a XC-MTB, perhaps some suspension work to make sure you’ve got the most supportive, efficient ride possible is in order.
If you have questions about your specific setup or maintenance requirements in the lead up to the Seven Gravel Race, please do get in touch. We’d love to help.